PSX Longplay [252] Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere

Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere


Descripción Played by: Mad-Matt The original release of Ace Combat 3 is a Japanese game spread across 2 discs complete with a story line and branching missions. That game has 52 missions (36 to complete an arc) and 5 possible endings. I have not recorded that version as I don't understand the language and do not want to complete the game 5 times. Instead, here is the heavily cut down US release. No Story, No cut-scenes, no character banter/chater, no branching mission arcs and a total of 36 missions. We only get the game play part with nothing to tie the missions together apart from the occasional wall of text that replaces the cutscenes of the japanese version. But it is a lot easier to record 1 play-through. I have completed all missions on Hard difficulty and attained A rank in all missions. This involved alot of flying about avoiding the main targets to build up a kill score and quite often within a time limit. Some missions I handled badly yet scraped through. A...
