PSX Longplay [237] Dance Dance Revolution - Disney Mix

Dancing Stage Disney Mix


Descripción Played by: MadMatty Disney themed dancing game, conveniently played on a joypad. I play through all the songs on Trick difficulty. Because the rounds only span upto 5 levels, the end credits are shown a few times. Once all the songs have been completed once, Maniac mode is unlocked. After all tracks have been played, I show 1 song in dance magic mode at Maniac difficulty. This mode is a vs mode with a twist. I then go back to the normal game and show 1 song played at Maniac difficulty. 00:04:25 - Mickey Mouse March (Eurobeat Version) 00:06:23 - It's A Small World 00:08:13 - Macho Duck 00:12:12 - Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 00:14:04 - Mickey Mouse March (Summertime Extended version) 00:16:05 - Chim Chim Cher-ee 00:18:00 - D.D.D! ~Happy 65th Anniversary for Donald Duck~ 00:20:10 - it's A Small World (Ducking Hardcore Mix) 00:23:50 - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 00:25:58 - Mr.Bassman 00:27:40 - Are You Ready, Do The Bus Stop 00:29:35 - Night of Fire 00:31:32 - F...
