(PS3) MLB 08 The Show - Royals at Tigers [top 1st Inning]

MLB 08: The Show



I wanted to post some season mode vids of MLB08 The Show. I know now why this game has become my favorite sports game yet - its the attention to detail. I played without skipping the cut scenes to show just how detailed everything is. If you notice, the right-center field scoreboard is correct for the matchups from that day on the MLB schedule (April 2). The commentary and video are seamless, complete with season stat tracking and player tidbits. Framerate is like butter too (unlike the other baseball game LOL.) - Anyway, not alot of action offensively in this one, as it was a pitchers duel until the 8th. Tigers ended up winning 3-1 on a Sheffield 3-run dinger in the bottom of the 8th.
