Professor Pac-Man 1983 Arcade

Professor Pac-Man



Professor Pac-Man Year: 1983 Genre: Quiz Platform: Arcade Country: USA Released by Bally Midway (Unlicensed) Technical: CPU: ZiLOG Z80 VDU: Widescreen Color CRT ROM 640K Bankswitched Programmed in FORTH Pac-Man goes across the top of the screen eating dots. The quicker you can answer the quiz selection correctly the more points you get. After a succession of correct quiz answers you get a bonus stage to double your points up update fruit. Based on previous and rising success of Pac-Man series in North America. Bally Midway had plans to release a new version of this game every 4 months to mix up the quiz questions and continue on the legacy releasing different versions for Family and even a Casino concept called prize. Unfortunately the game never caught on. With limited up-take by arcade vendors. Out of the 400 Public units sold 300 were returned to convert to Pac-Land machines. )) INSERT COIN ))
