Pool of Radiance gameplay (PC Game, 1988)

Forgotten Realms: Pool of Radiance

2015-02-25 00:17:53 0


Introduction and gameplay for Pool of Radiance, Dos PC game produced by SSI in 1988 - http://www.squakenet.com/download/pool-of-radiance/4232/ Creating a party and playing through the first part of the quest, some battle against goblins and orcs. Played through Dosbox emulation platform. Recorded with original sound. Similar videos you may like: Shadowgate - https://youtu.be/wy1Fmq80rKM Castle Master - https://youtu.be/RSEHjw_Hb0U Castle Master 2: The Crypt - https://youtu.be/NrRRucUrcv4
