Pokken Tournament - EXTRA BATTLE Footage - Shadow Mewtwo Boss

Pokkén Tournament

2015-10-31 00:03:09 jp 0


Footage of the battle against Shadow Mewtwo in Pokken Tournament. From Nico; http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm27484979 I'm not even that into Pokemon now, I just happened to have a NicoVideo account from copious amounts of Hatsune Miku album research, and figured it'd be nice to get the footage onto a non-account requiring service. First thing; this isn't me playing obviously, so don't blame me for the hilarious spam during the Mewtwo fight. Not much I can do, and frankly we get to see the boss, so I don't give a rat's arse. Secondly; it's been confirmed through the Official Pokemon Channel that this IS a Shadow Pokemon, Shadow Mewtwo.
