Pokémon Rumble Blast Playthrough Part 6

Pokémon Rumble Blast

2012-11-13 01:18:07 en 0


In this part, we finish the rest of Chapter 3 and begin Chapter 4. It's surprising how much of a "plot" this game has for such a simplistic concept. These are the stages shown in this part: 3-3 Firebreathing Mountain: This stage has a Factory, Autumnwood, a Tower, a Lava area, another Battle Royale (Flag Battle 2), Mountain Path Battlefield, and Cobalion's Castle. The Factory mainly has Electric-type Pokémon. Some include Magnemite, Jolteon, and Joltik. The boss here is a Galvantula. Rock and Fire-type moves work best against it. The Autumnwood contains Pokémon such as Raichu, Wormadam, Nuzleaf, Shiftry, and on very rare occasions, Tornadus. If you see Tornadus three times within the stage, he will be the boss of the stage. If not, the boss is a Sawsbuck. Use Ice, Fire, Bug, Poison, and Flying-type moves to weaken it easily. The Tower contains Pokémon such as Baltoy, Cladol, Scraggy, Trubbish, and Natu. The boss here is a Reuniclus. Use Ghost, Bug, and Dark-type moves...
