Pokemon Ranger Shadows Of Almia - Boss 21 Darkrai

Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia

2008-11-18 00:10:41 jp 0


VOTE COMMENT SUSCRIBE Darkrai is the hardest boss and as such you'll have the most trouble with it. Straight after battling Dusknoir you will be thrown into battle with it. First your rotations will do nothing at all. However, after a few attempts, the power of the stones is infused in your styler and you can finally hit it. He has a variety of attacks including Shadow Ball and creating a Shockwave. Once you get to a certain point, he will do another attack which creates a dark portal in the middle. From then on, small dark puddles will randomly appear and cause damage. Later on, a massive dark sphere will come and randomly shooting at the stage in addition to the previous puddles. To make things worse, he teleports before and after each attack. A good strategy is to bring electric Pokémon and stun him doing as much damage as possible. capture him, and the game is over...or is it?
