Pokemon Platinum - First Ever Shiny Origin Forme Giratina Encounter !

Pokémon Platinum

2008-09-22 00:07:10 jp 0


---------------------------- http://www.PKMDB.com/ ---------------------------- I always planned on making a video of the Giratina for you guys, and today I decided to do it. So I went up to Giratina, saved, then started recording. Next thing I know, a SHINY Origin Forme Giratina pops out of nowhere! My heart was thumping in joy and thankfully I came prepared to capture it! I admit I was overwhelmed and even forgot to switch the in-game option of attack animations back on (sorry about that)! But I did manage to capture it! I hope you enjoy it! Credits to SCV for getting me through the Torn World! NOTE: This is the first ever documented encounter of a 100% legit Shiny Origin Forme Giratina! PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT! Thanks! -fenzo666 My technique on catching Giratina: 1) Use Foresight + False Swipe to reduce HP to 1. (Weavile) 2) Put it to sleep with Sleeping Powder. (Venasaur) (This video has been sped up by a little bit) For questions, comments or concerns visit ...
