Pokemon FireRed And LeafGreen Battles Walkthrough Part 2: Cerulean City Gym (How To Beat)

Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

2012-02-12 00:04:29 en 0


You Need Help On The Cerulean City Gym Then Watch The Video My Team *Charmeleon Lvl 20 *Pikachu Lvl 20 *Nidorina Lvl 20 *Bellsprout Lvl 16 Following Pokemon I Recommend For Your Team (NOTE: This Are Pokemon That You Can Capture Before The Gym) (NOTICE: Only After The PEWTER CITY GYM) *Nidoran (M) / Poison (Future Ground) Better Attack *Nidoran (F) / Poison (Future Ground) Better Defense *Sandshrew / Ground *Geodude / Rock And Ground (If Found A Way You Can Fully Evolve)
