Pokémon Conquest (US) Playthrough Part 36: Arceus and Final Boss

Pokémon Conquest



So, Zekrom wasn't Nobunaga's ace after all? Seems not, and plus that we now have to deal with a Shiny Rayquaza. But first, why don't dedicate ourselves to catch the legendary Pokémon of Ransei first? Arceus is waiting the one who completed the unification of Ransei and our aim here is to successfully Link with it. After that, we'll have to face Nobunaga and his new partners. The battle can be quite difficult (I wasn't even expecting it to be honest) and if I would have to redo it, using Gyarados to replace some other member should be my first option probably. Arceus is really godly and Omnipotence can hit whatever you need to hit. And if that's not enough, it restores a good amount of the Pokémon's health at the beginning of every turn so even in difficult situations it will be really hard to take it down for Nobunaga. And... here we are at the end of the main story! But we still have tons of post-game contents so, pretty far from real ending. Stay tuned!
