PMD2: Explorers of Time & Darkness: Team Battle!

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness

2008-05-04 00:02:21 en 0


You can download teams to battle in the Marowak Dojo in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness. Once you advance enough into the storyline, the option to "Trade Team" should become available in the start-up menu along with Continue, etc. This video features a Friend battle, between me (GK, GekkouKitsune) and Nick (nickjuly004). We decided to play through the game together, so we named and picked partners in the respective order. Cool, huh? Anyway, I sent my data to the server and he sent his, then we tried receiving data and got the team data. Then I went to the Marowak Dojo. Since this was my first time I didn't know exactly what to do, but it's explained in the video. When you download a team, it's CPU controlled, but it can still be challenging. In this case, a Discharge from a like Lv. 76 fox spirit Raichu kills everything, lol. So I did it again to give the others a chance. At the end of the video, Earthworm Jim has nothing to d...
