Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice - The Foreign Turnabout Demo Gameplay

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice

2016-08-25 00:24:21 en 0


Please be sure to LIKE and COMMENT. It helps support the channel. Also be courteous and turn off your AdBlocker. That and I want to see if you all want me to do this in two weeks. Show me! Show me right here! The demo came out today. With the game coming out in two weeks, Capcom just wants to get us all hyped for this. Anyway this here is a demo showing off a portion of the first case, The Foreign Turnabout. Of course it’s similar to the last Ace Attorney game, Dual Destinies. The difference is now that Phoenix is in a new country, Khura’in and that means, new sets of rules. Better be ready for anything. * * * Want to help this channel? You can here on my Patreon. Patreon: Want to know what I'll do next? Follow me at the links below. Facebook Page: YT Gaming: Google+ Page: WordPress Blog: Want to help contr...
