PGA Tour Golf - SNES Gameplay

PGA Tour Golf



Three holes of Golf in PGA Tour Golf for the Super Nintendo (SNES). Actual console play. Not emulated. For PGA Tour Golf's first outing on the SNES, EA dropped the polygonal graphics that characterized the series on the Genesis, replacing them with Mode 7 manipulations of bitmapped layers. This was a wise thing for EA to do as rendering polygons on the fly has never been one of the SNES' strengths (see PGA '96 review). The trade-off in switching to bitmapped graphics was one of visual crispness for acceptable rendering speed. Beyond their visual differences, the SNES and Genesis versions of PGA Tour Golf are the same game. All the features of the Genesis version are in the SNES version, and they function identically, more or less. The only significant difference between the two versions is found within the putting system. In the Genesis version, the topography of the green between the hole and the ball is scaled to fit on to a single screen of the putting grid. In the SNES ...
