PGA Tour Golf - Sega Genesis Gameplay

PGA Tour Golf



Three holes of golf in PGA Tour Golf for the Sega Genesis. Actual console play. Not emulated. The PGA Tour Golf series sits at the apex of 16-bit golf. The series brought a number of innovative features to the genre, including reverse angle views of the ball in flight, close-up views of the action around the hole, a simple three-click horizontal swing meter, interactive overhead views of the course, and a full PGA license with real tour players and courses. The graphics in the first outing of PGA Tour Golf are solid, but, admittedly, primitive, bordering on cartoonish. Like most golf games of the era, the sound effects are minimal, but serviceable (the chirping birds are a nice touch). The musical selections heard during the hole flybys are also good. The three-click swing interface, with automatic club selection, couldn't be easier to work with. As long as you don't overdrive a swing, the wind is manageable. However, save for wind speed, there are no other weather effects in t...
