PC - Spear of Destiny (Coming of the Storm) - Level 17

Spear of Destiny

2007-07-31 00:04:10 en 0


What it is: A gameplay video of Spear of Destiny mod Coming of the Storm Level 17, a regular level of the game. Check here for screenshots http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/cstormpics.htm and here for download http://www.wolfenstein3d.co.uk/adds_ABC.htm Done in a single run, from a pistol start, and on Death Incarnate difficulty. Game was invoked with -hard -tedlevel 16 parameters for this. How was it done: Emulated and recorded with DOSBox 0.70, the resulting AVI file with the ZMBV codec was decompressed using Virtual Dub 1.7.1 and later recompressed again with Windows Movie Maker in WMV format with a 512 KBits Bitrate. Additional Info: A formely occuped part of the castle that seems to have been overrun by ghost. There are also a few survivors hiding behind a barricade that will stop being that after meeting you. Wandering around the first part of this level isn't really hard because ghost aren't that fast, and most rooms are big enough to evade them. The exeption is the dunge...
