Nier - Ending D




*PLEASE READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION* *MAJOR SPOILERS WARNING* *Please Comment and Rate! To get this ending you need to have seen Ending A (first playthrough), Ending B (2nd Playthrough) and collect all weapons, then make a choice (Ending C = 1st choice, Ending D = 2nd choice). The first part is the same as Ending C, so you can skip it till you make the choice (6:50) if you watched that one already. Before going for this ending I recommend you back up your save files on a USB drive... They literaly "erase" your existance (save data) from this game in order for you to watch this ending. Well, thats it for Nier. There is an Ending E, but its not an in-game ending, google Grimoire Nier to find out about it. Game was much better than I expected. Great story (maybe a bit too depressing, but awesome nonetheless), characters and soundtrack. Really enjoyed playing it and I hope you enjoyed the vids of it. Enjoy! ----------------------------- System: PS3 New Game+
