Neo Contra - Full Playthrough - All Cutscenes - S-Rank

Neo Contra



This game got a bad rap when it first came out, but I've always liked it. How could you not love how over the top awesome it is? Stage 1: 0:50 (0 deaths) Stage 2: 11:02 (1 death) Stage 3: 21:14 (1 death) Stage 4: 32:47 (2 Retries used, failures edited out) Stage 5: 42:13 (0 deaths, blind luck that I don't die at 51:50) Stage 6: 59:13 (2 Retries used, failures edited out) Stage 7: 1:06:58 (1 death) S-Rank Ending: 1:13:42 (available in Options Etc. Movie 11) Note about stage 7 - you can win without firing a single shot, but it speeds up if you do. Firing at him can end it as early as 1m31s, while not firing can draw it out to 1m48s. Honestly - as with most twitch gameplay shoot em ups, luck played its part, and you'll notice if you pay attention. I still own this game on the PS2. I S-Ranked it a LONG time ago, and still have my original NC videos on YT, though they were played in Practice Mode for ease of recording at the time (super slow computer in 2007 - 512mb of RAM? Wow...). I ...
