[NEC PC Engine DUO-R] Gradius II : The Ambition of GOFER (GOFER no Yabo) グラディウスII GOFERの野望

Gradius II: Gofer's Ambition

2013-09-19 00:16:33 en 0


Year:1992 (pc engine version),1988 (arcade original game). System/console: NEC PC Engine Super CD-ROM2 system(cd addon or HUcard like system card) or PC Engine duo,duo-r,duo-rx (Super CD-ROM2 system card build in). Company:Konami Original name in japan: グラディウスII GOFERの野望 Genre: 2D Scrolling shoot'em up. Story: The player returns as the role of the pilot of the Vic Viper spaceship to battle the second onslaughts of the Bacterion Empire, under the new leadership of Gofer, the giant head.
