MSX - Metal Gear - part 20: Final Confrontation

Metal Gear



Oh noes!! It's Metal Gear!! Standing there, looking fearsome, doing nothing... Yeah, but it is not like you weren't warned throughout the game: your mission is to destroy Metal Gear _before_ it becomes operational. No sudden plot swings here: the nuclear equipped walking battle tank is flanked by two laser camera's that merely bug you in your pursuit of dropping explosives at it's mechanical feet in a certain order. R, R, L, R, L, L, R, L, L, R, R, L, R, L, R, R After the destruction of Metal Gear the base's computer system goes bananas and starts a countdown to self-destruction. Only one more confrontation awaits Snake: that with his company commander, the treacherous Big Boss. Funny radio call from Diane, in the middle of this fight. She doesn't know how to beat Big Boss. So, what is this easily impressed girl calling for then? To tell Snake her feelings? They hardly know each other! She and Mei Ling must be good friends. "No, it's nothing". Steve probably just came walki...
