Mega Man 8 - Clown Man's Stage

Mega Man 8

2010-04-24 00:06:48 en 0


*shudders* Clown Man... why doth this vile beast exist?! That aside, his stage is what I would refer to as "painfully average". The music is easily forgotten, the gimmicks can easily become irritating, and the enemies are annoying. I do like all the little pushies scattered around though... so cute~ The train portion of the stage also amuses me... but the stage loses points for the annoying jack-in-a-box gimmicks towards the end. A bell sounds every few seconds, and something happens based on the symbol on the jack-in-a-box Mega Man is standing on. Do not really have much else to comment on, though... I definitely prefer Magic Man's stage. Clown Man seems to have gone for the "creepy" clown look... and behaviour really. He is, surprisingly, the electrical robot master of this game... which is just weird, but eh. He performs various acrobatic attacks that can be tricky to dodge, as well as trying to grab Mega Man with the Thunder Claw. You also seem to not even be able to slide under...
