Medal of Honor: Underground - Panzerknacker Unleashed!

Medal of Honor: Underground

2013-03-27 00:38:28 en 0


To avoid problems the game's music was turned off. This is part 6 of the series. Difficulty: Hard Ranking: Excellent (3 stars) 01:30 Where Beagles Dare 12:56 Rotten to the Corps 27:59 I, PANZERKNACKER 36:55 Brag rights MOHU is indeed a great game, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't have it's flaws. Actually, the flaws take a significant place in the game. The Graphics and Tech stuff: The level design is ok and for big maps the texture quality is OK. The jumping is weird. The hitbox is slightly broken (failed headshots is a fine example and can be seen in this walkthrough (with sniper rifle)), enemies can shoot through walls (when standing against the wall), sometimes the textures don't load. And the biggest problem of 'em all is the framerate. When there is an enemy on the screen the fps sometimes may go down to 28. When there are 2 enemies on the screen then it's around 25. When there are 3 enemies on the screen... *sigh* 20-18 fps. It completely reduced your reaction time and make...
