Medal Of Honor: Infiltrator (GBA)

Medal of Honor: Infiltrator



This video was captured using the actual game on an actual Gamecube Game Boy Advance player. Lets face it. The Game Boy Advance was a 2D machine. It could do 3D to some extent, but really excelled at 2D. Medal of Honor was traditionally a 3D game, and still is to this day. So when it came to doing 3D games on the Game Boy Advance, developers were left with two options. Either hammer out some very low resolution 3D graphics, or transform it into a good looking 2D game. Obviously the developer chose option B and boy was it the right decision. Turning a 2D game into a 3D game is a no risk operation as 3D was always the future. No, not the stupid 3D glasses type of 3D, but 3D graphics. However reverting back to 2D is very risky for obvious reasons. So how did EA do on this one? They hit it out of the park! I remember looking at the back of the box of this game back when it was new and laughing. I dismissed the game because it looked nothing like Medal of Honor. It wasn't until recently w...
