Medal of Honor: European Assault Walkthrough - Part 10: Farmhouse Liberation (Xbox)

Medal of Honor: European Assault



This is the "Farmhouse Liberation" level from Medal of Honor: European Assault for the Xbox. Intelligence operative and series mainstay Manon has been captured by the Germans and is being held inside a quaint farmhouse in the Ardennes. However, the peace and quiet is violently interupted by Holt and company, who proceed to blast a fucking hole through the countryside. The second-to-last mission here in European Assault is my favorite level in the game. Despite the massive Brothers in Arms/Deus Ex gameplay changes made to the game design, Farmhouse Liberation maintains the classic, heroic MoH feel while breathing a bit of life into the formula. I like it a lot. Because, apart from the PowerSlave-esque ammo system issues (in which enemies randomly drop ammo, health or neither) and the annoying and totally cheap segment where your two perfectly healthly squadmates are replaced for no reason by mewling weaklings who die in three hits, Farmouse Liberation is a really interesting and exci...
