Medal of Honor: European Assault Walkthrough Part 1 - Operation: Chariot (Xbox)

Medal of Honor: European Assault



This is the first part of my walkthrough of Medal of Honor: European Assault for the Xbox, consisting of the introduction and the first level, "Operation: Chariot", for the Xbox. European Assault was the first Medal of Honor game to take a substantial departure from the series' usual gameplay mechanics, evolving from a fairly linear objective-based FPS to a somewhat-deeper and more open-ended psuedo-tactical shooter with arcade elements. That is a lot of hyphens to digest, but at least that indicates just how much of a strange hybrid European Assault is Combining elements of the traditional MoH games with Brothers in Arms, Half-Life and Deus Ex makes for a very interesting Frankenstein monster of a game that somehow doesn't completely implode on itself like many games often do when they add a lot of different game mechanics. Electronic Arts Los Angelos has crafted a fine game here that has its share of flaws but makes up for its shortcomings by offering nonlinear gameplay and solid n...
