Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (War Chest) - D-Day Mission Gameplay

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

2014-07-19 00:11:42 en 0


The 3rd mission in the main campaign in Medal of Honor Allied Assault is based on the D-Day landings, the mission is based directly on the D-Day scene in saving private ryan film. Medal of Honor was an awesome series which i played for hours on in my childhood, mostly frontlines however just started playing Allied Assault war chest after having it on my shelf for like 3 years lol and since D-Day is everyones favourite WW2 subjcet i decided to show a bit of the gameplay. MOHAA, Medal of Honor/Honour Allied Assault is developed by 2015 Inc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFGuidesHD Facebook Page - AFGuidesHD Twitter Page - AFGuidesHD on Google+ - Subscribe! - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
