Let's Play One Piece: Treasure Battle!: Part 1 - ルフィ & ビビ

One Piece: Treasure Battle!



Don't forget to leave a comment and hit that like button, it helps out a lot! Luffy Blue was drawn by NekoJoel ▲ ▲===========▲ ▲ Treasure Battle! was a japanese only Gamecube game released in 2002. The game's plot revolves around Rocky Hattari who has challenged Luffy and Straw Hat Pirates to a "Treasure Battle" to win their treasure. Luffy agrees to the challenge, the treasure in question is a card collection. ▲ ▲===========▲ ▲ LINKS!!: Twitter ► http://full.sc/16saEAz Facebook ► http://full.sc/18FhCWI Tumblr ► http://full.sc/16saKrZ Questions? Ask Box ► http://full.sc/18FhLcO Request/Suggest ► http://full.sc/16saMjF Spreadshirt ► http://full.sc/1aAGyiN Pink Gorilla ► http://full.sc/1gGEhbi Learn more about Treasure Battle ► http://full.sc/1gGDOpl Learn how to Mod your Wii ► http://full.sc/18dmdeD ▲ ▲===========▲ ▲ One Piece: Treasure Battle! One Piece: Treasure Battle! Japan Only One Piece: Treasure Battle! Gamecube One Piece: Tre...
