Let's Play MechAssault - Extra - Multiplayer: Grinder


2013-04-15 00:13:23 en 0


*This video contains annotations!* *Please be sure to like, comment, and subscribe if you like the video and want to see more!* "Like" me on Facebook!: https://www.facebook.com/UltimateLifeformRB PLAYLIST: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMwAXWOzQXfZCGGAsmEv-v4SkfLLbAMWp Welcome to an extra video of Let's Play MechAssault for the Xbox! After finishing off the campaign of the game, I decided to do a brief video covering the multiplayer. I couldn't get anyone to actually play with me, but I was able to show off one mode of multiplayer: Grinder. In Grinder, you face a constant onslaught of computer-controlled 'Mechs that increase in weight class each time you earn a kill. You start off by facing a light 'Mech (like an Uller), working your way up to a Ragnarok. When you defeat the first cycle of 'Mechs, the next cycle starts but then you have to face an additional 'Mech, and the number increases with each cycle. The idea of Grinder is to see how long you can last, because it's impos...
