Let's Play "Death Knights of Krynn" Part 01 - Off to Save the World AGAIN...

Death Knights of Krynn

2012-01-13 00:36:45 0


Let's Play the Second of the SSI Gold Box AD&D Dragonlance games: "Death Knights of Krynn"! Who would have thought we'd be called upon to save Ansalon again, so soon after the last time*!? Anyway, about this game: It is very undead-heavy, so it is a good thing I have three clerics! Also, this is probably my second least favorite Gold Box Game, not because it is in and of itself bad, but because there are SO MANY non-Krynnish elements in the game. Champions of Krynn was very good about being very authentically Dragonlance, while this one is... not so much. Still, it's fun, and that is what is important. *Certainly not people who saw the end of Champions with Soth doing the obvious foreshadowing...
