Kirby & The Amazing Mirror 100% Playthrough: Part 1 (A 4 for All Adventure through Mirror World!)

Kirby & the Amazing Mirror

2012-02-13 00:10:35 en 0


My third Kirby playlist starts with this. It's another big favorite of mine. Part 1 covers the Prologue scene, the Intro level, the start of Rainbow Road, and some of Moonlight Mansion, ending with the Whispy Woods Expy: King Golem. This is the first time I made a playlist for a non-linear platformer. For those who've played Metroid and the 5th Gen+ Castlevania games (Metroidvanias), you'll know what I'm talking about. -------------- If you wait at the title screen, you can reach the Prologue scene. High above Dream Land is a parallel world called Mirror World. A dark force has taken over this world, and Meta Knight quickly hurries to find this threat and keep it from taking over Dream Land. Kirby catches wind of this and rushes to the Mirror World himself to keep up with Meta Knight. But then, a darker version of Meta Knight appears, slices Kirby into 4 colored copies of himself, and then heads to the Mirror World, himself. While the 4 Kirbys, colored Pink, Yellow, Red, & Green, ...
