Kirby Air Ride: City Trial

Kirby Air Ride



Gameplay of Kirby Air Ride's City Trial mode for the Nintendo Game Cube. City Trial is a really fun mode where the objective is u have 5 minutes to roam around the city, and assimilate power-ups that r found scattered around, or in blue boxes. There r also random machines lying around, and other items such as the bomb, and the cannon. If u go underground throughtout the caves, u can probly find rarer things there. If u see a red box, open it, cuz u might get a part to a legendary machine! Events can also hpapen if u have them turned on, for example, one event could make the pwer-ups fake, one could be a meteor showers, and another could be the appearance if Dyna Blade! After the 5 minutes is up, whatever machine u were riding is the one u gotta keep. A screen will come up showing how much everyone improved their vehicle. Then, a random mini-game will start, like Destruction Derby, or a random race, or to fight King DeDeDe.
