King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (1994) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride

2014-03-10 03:43:38 en 0


A beginning to end playthrough of Sierra On-line's 1994 graphic adventure game, King's Quest VII: The Princess Bride. Both endings have been included in this video. The first (the good ending) follows naturally from the gameplay of Chapter 6; the second (bad) begins at 3:40:51. There are a lot of genre snobs that blast KQ7 as being one of the weakest entries in the series. I am not one of those people. I played this for the first time some months after it was originally released, and the graphics, sound, and simplified interface made the game MUCH more accessible to the masses. It is true that the smart cursor made the game quite a bit easier than earlier games, but the puzzles by in large are the most logical the series had seen, putting them about on par with KQ6 in terms of relevancy to the plot. The presentation was likened to that in Disney films when the game first came out, and hindsight shows up just how much hyperbole was being used there. But, by any account, the animation...
