Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - Mission 01 - Anathema

Hitman 2: Silent Assassin

2009-10-08 00:07:06 en 0


First mission, and already it shows you that this ain't kids play no more! 3 ways to get in silently, ability to snipe the bastard from the beginning, "random routes" of guards and the target (they're scripted I think, but not nearly as strict as in Codename 47) to make the level interesting, frisk searches, hiding guns in the groceries to later pick them up from the kitchen, anaesthetic that lasts for a certain amount of time depending on the dose for minimum kill runs, nice graphics and animations, costumes not fooling the enemy up close anymore, the ability to take the car, side challenges of collecting all weapons for the shack back home, guards speak the right languages instead of having weird accents, rating system at the end, more cinematic gaming experience... Yeah, I guess the series did take a step forward. Four things I dislike, though: music during levels, inventory scrolling, costumes are useless if anyone sees you run and the rating system. The rating system, alright, p...
