Heroes of Might and Magic IV: Cron - Month 1

Heroes of Might and Magic IV

2012-01-25 01:21:35 en 0


**** Like what you see, download the map here: http://sdrv.ms/Z0p6RY **** Watch Month 2 here: http://youtu.be/lusU0JP1CaE Watch Month 3 here: http://youtu.be/NRhtt7V1BPM Watch Month 4 here: http://youtu.be/ySxfaEvboCs **** Heroes of Might and Magic IV - My map of Cron from the original Might and Magic II RPG. I've made a few changes to make the map work for HOMM but it should be familiar to anyone who played the original RPG. This is the third month of play and its Red, Blue, and Orange (me) vs Green, Teal, and Purple team. On this map I've included a large number of scripts to help make the world more dynamic and alive, and also to try and re-create some of the things I remember from the original M&M2 but unfortunately one of the major flaws in HOMM4 is the AI players fail to understand these and don't make proper use of them, but the map was originally made for multiplayer but sadly our old gaming club died before we ever got the chance to play. Video is best viewed in full scr...
