Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Game Walkthrough Part 17 Harry VS Voldemort Final Battle

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

2011-07-29 00:11:03 en 0


Time For The Final Battle. Time To kill the snake faced voldy. This battle is easier than the last one, but just like last time use all spells and stay out of the way of his attacks. he doesn't keep moving around so you don't have to worry of him coming behind you. once you bring his health down a small cut scene will start. after that the wands will be connected. To defeat him once and for all that glowing sphere should be kept on him. if you hold it there it will move towards him. anywhere else and it will come towards you. you will have to make the sphere reach him 3 times and he will be dead and we will reach the end of the most epic adventure of all times. Hope You enjoyed this walk through. Comment Rate And Subscribe.
