GBA Longplay #32: Ace Combat Advance

Ace Combat Advance

2017-10-25 00:59:57 en 0


Ace Combat Advance is a video game in the Ace Combat series. It is the first in the series for a handheld gaming system. Unlike other flight simulators, it's a top-down shooter similar to Strike series, but using fighter jets. It has been criticized for awkward controls, lack of appeal, difficulty and very poor graphics. Unlike other Ace Combat games, a Japanese release for the title was absent. n the year 2032, globalization has blurred the borders between countries, and multinational corporations have become worldwide economic superpowers. General Resources Ltd., one of these superpowers, uses state of the art military equipment and their Air Strike Force (A.S.F.) to destroy anybody who could potentially pose a threat to their superiority. A new international military is created to fight back, spearheaded by an elite fighter squadron called the United Air Defense (U.A.D.). As the newest pilot, you must help your squadron destroy the ASF and bring General Resources Ltd. to their knee...
