Game Gear Longplay [013] Megaman

Mega Man (Game Gear)


Descripción Played by: Nitrogenesis Mega Man for the Game Gear is a game that is a mix of Mega Man 4/5. Some things: - Star Man is colored green on the boss select screen (what?) - Bright Man's weapon is different. Instead of freezing time in short bursts, it acts more like the Gravity Hold or Centaur Flash and damages everything on screen. - Power Stone is vastly improved because if the shot misses, you can shoot again even if any other stones are on the screen. -For some reason, Wave Man's music is replaced with Gravity Man's music. A snippet of Wave Man's original tune can be heard in the Game Over screen. -Quick Man's stage is brought back as a Wily stage. The lasers don't kill you in one hit and you can slide, making it a lot easier. You don't fight Quick Man though. -The ending stages are kind of weird. The first two (Wave/Toad) take place in Cossack Citadel, then for the last level you go to the Skull Castle, and then after you've beaten that, Mega Man blows up Co...
