Flight Simulator 5.1: Grand Canyon (DOSBox and Bandicam test)

Flight Simulator 5.1

2013-01-20 00:04:14 en 0


Pretty much it seems that Bandicam and FRAPS recognize DOSBox as a 3D application, perhaps because of the DDraw output renderer. This is FS5.1 CD version running on DOSBox 0.73. It's been a pretty long time of not making any video of an FS older than FS98. That's why I came to YouTube originally for, as FSXC182RG (before getting suspended), to make videos of older FS. Tutorials on how to set up Windows 95 for FS5.x: http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?2200-How-To-Setup-Win95-for-FS5 http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/content.php?2199-Another-Way-To-Setup-Win95-for-FS5
