Final Fantasy VIII HD - Seifer/Edea 2nd Battle

Final Fantasy VIII

2012-12-09 00:09:49 0


I went out with a bang last time so I decided to take it lighter this time, and my GF attacks are rather weak aren't they? I redid this recording once after taking six whole minutes stealing 8 Mega-Phoenixs, it's the Muggers plague from FF4 DS all over again. Tags: Final Fantasy VIII FFVIII FF8 HD Boss Battle Seifer Edea Squall Leonhart Gunblade Quistis Trepe Zell Dincht Selphie Tilmitt Rinoa Heartilly Irvine Kinneas Seifer Almasy Laguna Loire Kiros Seagill Ward Zabac Edea Kramer Balamb Dollet Timber Galbadia Fishermans Horizon Esthar Centra Trabia Balamb Garden Fire Cavern Balamb Town Centra Excavation Site Galbadia Garden Deling City Tomb of the Unknown King Winhill D-District Prison Missile Base Trabia Garden Edea's Orphanage White SeeD Ship Vienne Mountains Great Salt Lake Esthar City Lunatic Pandora Laboratory Lunar Gate Lunar Base Sorceress Memorial Lunatic Pandora Ultimecia Castle Art Gallery Tears' Point Centra Ruins Obel Lake Island Closest to Heaven Island Closest to Hell Sc...
