Far Cry 2 (PS3) Gameplay

Far Cry 2



This is just footage of the gameplay in the PS3 version of Far Cry 2. I just recently bought this game. It's not too bad really, but I liked the original better. I'm not even sure why Ubi put the Far Cry Name on this except for brand recognition. The game is, as you can see, a sandbox FPS game. If you like sanbox games, and you like FPS games, check this one out. It's not for everyone, and just looking at the mixed user reviews on gamefaqs will testify to that. However, if you're sand-boxed out, this won't do anything for you. As per usual, the PS3 doesn't like my capture card much, so it's a little blurrier than it should be. I guess it's my standard def capture card, and my standard def display. I don't really card about HD one way or the other. I know people will tell me every excuse under the sun as to why I need an HDTV, but considering that my gaming tastes are still last gen and before, I really don't play current gen systems enough to justify a purchase. Besides, the mon...
