Exclusive DOOM 1080p 60FPS Gameplay with Vulkan API on GeForce GTX

Doom 4

2016-05-11 00:05:55 en 0


Download the max-quality, uncompressed version of the video from GeForce.com: http://nvda.ly/iTlv3007jBe Now, a special message from id Software: “Thanks again to NVIDIA for allowing us to show DOOM at their event in Austin on Saturday,” said Marty Stratton, executive producer at id Software. “We were thrilled with the response to the videos that some in the audience captured and posted, but we also know you'd like to see high-res, full-screen gameplay. We weren't capturing live, (and accidentally left our GTX 1080 at the event when packing up - argh!), but we came back and captured this re-play of the demo. This gameplay is from a PC running Vulkan on a Titan X at 120 FOV - with the player's personal upgrades and rune perks set for advanced speed and movement capabilities. Enjoy the video and we can't wait to have YOU play this Friday.”
