Evil Dead: Hail to the King (PS1) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

Evil Dead: Hail to the King



A playthrough of THQ's 2000 license-based survival horror game for the Sony PlayStation, Evil Dead: Hail to the King. Evil Dead: Hail to the King is the unofficial fourth installment of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead movie trilogy following the 1992 release of Army of Darkness. It largely follows the template established by Alone in the Dark and Resident Evil, and imbues it with the series' signature horror/slapstick vibe. Bruce Campbell reprises his role of Ash, which is probably all any fan of the movies needs to hear to jump on board, and it's his personality that largely carries the game. The critics slaughtered the game (and every version of it) when it was released on Halloween of 2000. Many of their points were valid - the graphics didn't impress, it was too difficult and obtuse, and the controls were pretty terrible. I won't argue with any of those points. I really like Hail to the King, despite all of the (valid) criticisms. It doesn't feel like a AAA production, and I was glad f...
