Elite (amiga) 2/2




Gameplay from the beginning of the game including menus, combat against several crafts, docking etc. I made many long and short cuts in repetitive parts (including combat). I got the original game with my a500 a long time ago. I might still have the manual somewhere, I'm sure I have the game disc. The game is extremely punishing since it's not possible to SPEED UP TIME and usually you are intercepted during intersystem jump and it may take forever to reach the next space station since another intersystem jump may not be possible for a reason or another. If the combat lasts long enough, more pirates come to join the fun (especially if you're holding valuable cargo). It takes long enough to reach the station even if you would had a chance to get there without a single combat. In addition the player is sometimes sucked into "Thargoid Space" from which it might not be possible to escape alive. In the second part I got killed while I took a 3min break without pausing the game since it wa...
