Doorways: Holy Mountains Of Flash Part 2 - The School - Walkthrough Gameplay (No Commentary)

Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh

2016-08-11 00:30:06 en 0


Doorways: Holy Mountains Of Flash Gameplay Part 2 - Walkthrough Playthrough (No Commentary Let's Play) (Steam Horror Adventure Game 2016) - Act 1: The School This full game walkthrough will include a review, all chapters, monsters, puzzles, jumpscares, scary moments, story line, cutscenes and ending of the single player game. Doorways: Holy Mountains Of Flesh is an immersive horror adventure, featuring a complex story and deep atmosphere. Juan Torres and his family were the target of an uncountable number of rumors and several disappearances that took place in El Chacal, a small village of around 4,800 inhabitants, located in the arid mountainous region of Salta, a province of Argentina. Among the stories spread around the surrounding villages, legends involving cannibalism, black magic, sects and all kinds of superstitions were heard. It was also said that Juan Torres was the heir of a large fortune and, somehow, with no claim raised against him, he and his family managed to contr...
