Doom 64 EX walkthrough Part 1

Doom 64

2012-02-24 00:30:11 en 0


Doom 64 EX is a version of doom 64 for the pc developed by the same person who worked on Absolution, also a working pc version of the old n64 game. This version is, however, the one that stays the most true to the original (one thing that i noticed were the lighning storms that can be seen in levels like "terror core" or "eye of the storm" are now present. something that did not happen in the absolution version. There are also some addded features such as crosshairs and mouse look, among others. Some words about this specific walkthrough: This IS NOT a speed run. I merely try to stay alive and make it to the end of each level in one piece. Every stage is a pistol start. Not sure if Doom 64 was ever intended to be played in this fashion, but i will try to begin each level with the pistol only. Infighting FTW! Doesn't work on every level, but in most of them, demons of diferent species can harm each other (unintentionally) and then duke it out (with plenty of motivation :)) As a ...
