DieHard Arcade SEGA Saturn Gameplay

Die Hard Arcade



I think this game was way underrated when it 1st came out . It had some of the best graphics I've seen on the Saturn with detailed characters with brilliant and high res textures (love the definition of the muscles) and some brilliant use of the VDP II for the floors and ceilings , and also what a lot of people don't go on about some of the best 3D transparencies seen on the Saturn , ok there are 2D or some very fine mesh effects , but they're some of the best I'v seen on the Saturn, In my view AM#1 never get the credit they deserver. The graphics in their games on the Saturn , Dreamcast, and X-Box were some of the best I've seen on those consoles and AM#1 games for the most were always fun , and this game is no exception . A brilliant laugh and one of the few 3D scrolling fighting that work , the only bad part was the loading in game , but other than that this was top and underrated game
