Corpse Party Sachiko's Game of Love ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U English Translation, No Commentary Part 1

Corpse Party The Anthology: Sachiko’s Game of Love Hysteric Birthday 2U

2015-12-03 00:14:32 en 0


This is Corpse Party -THE ANTHOLOGY- Sachiko's Game of Love ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U which is a spin-off game to the original corpse party series. This game is the third game in the series, but is not cannon for the series, as such it seems unlikely to get an official translation. I hope by translating this game I can make it accessible to fans of the series. I originally was going to translate and doing a reading of the game, however since it is very time consuming translating I am releasing the videos without any reading or commentary. I may go back and add these later. Since my original intent was to add commentary this first video timing might be a little weird. For the next parts I will try to speed up the timing a bit to match a more natural reading speed! There may also be some small errors in the translation as my Japanese isn't perfect, but I was pretty happy with my translation, if you have any constructive comments on how I can improve the translation feel free to com...
