Corpse Party Sachiko's Game of Love ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U English Translation No Commentary FINAL

Corpse Party The Anthology: Sachiko’s Game of Love Hysteric Birthday 2U

2016-02-28 00:22:22 en 0


Thank you everyone who has stuck with me through this translation! This is Corpse Party -THE ANTHOLOGY- Sachiko's Game of Love ♥ Hysteric Birthday 2U which is a spin-off game to the original corpse party series. This game is the third game in the series, but is not cannon for the series, as such it seems unlikely to get an official translation. I hope by translating this game I can make it accessible to fans of the series. Subscribe for updates! And Follow me on Twitter for translation status updates! If you like this series, please support the developers by buying the game! Playlist here: Enjoy!
