Contra 4 Video Walkthrough

Contra 4



This is a video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc of the Nintendo DS game Contra 4. This was a game I would play nonstop between my college classes. I had a lot of practice with it needless to say. I used Lance in this playthrough since I haven't had a chance to use him in previous videos, so I thought I would give him his moment to shine, while he still had one.... You'll notice I only use the spreader and laser once I get them. I've always liked those two weapons best, and as you can see, they serve me rather well. Also, I'm sure my boss strategies aren't exactly the best in some cases, but at least I survive them... I do have a few close calls, but in the end, I'm able to go through it without getting killed. I will admit this took quite a few tries, but playing all those challenges in the past and going through the game a whole bunch of times helped. :P Also, I always loved the first bit when you turn the game on and hear the music while the flaming C is formed....
