Combat Mission: Shock Force Night Stalkers v1.32

Combat Mission: Shock Force



I just purchased CM:SF recently and this is my first play through of the campaign. This is my first run at the mission and only my second time playing real time without pausing to issue commands. During the battle I sometimes fumble with the controls and have moments of panic and indecision. These have led to a few WTF are you doing moments, but overall i think i did pretty well. I ended with a total victory due to surrender, but was just short of a few objectives. I've enjoyed all the other game play videos for CM and just wanted to do one myself. I use a few mods and am updated to 1.32. Please leave any feedback you might have... (There's quite the moment just at the end there when I order a fire team to charge an objective, because of time, and they get a little more they bargained for. Oops) Looking back, many mistakes, but most important: Breach the walls
